Sunday, May 22, 2011

Birthday! It's my Birthday!!!

Wooooooohooo to being born! 21 years ago! 21 used to seem sooo old. Now I still think I'm a teenager sometimes ha jk. I got lots of great presents from lots of wonderful people! I already documented my sweet awesome bike, so here's the rest of the presents
Water-skiing date with my dad (yes, notice the SNOW in the background)

Yum! Cake for breakfast from my awesome neighbor Rachel! I ate half of it before I remembered I wanted to put up pictures of all my presents.

This may be my favorite present from Sterling.......
Everyone at the pool is gonna be so jealous of my towel

A box of chocolates....used to be! It was a glob of delicious yumminess that was once a box of chocolates
(I cannot for the life of me figure out why blogger sucks and rotated this picture....ugh irritating)

This freakin cute white dress! You can't really tell how cute it is in the picture, but take my word for it

Yes I know you are blinded by my incredible muscles, but this present is actually the running capris I'm wearing. I've been wanting some for months and months!

And that's it for now folks! I'm one freakin lucky amazingly blessed woman! Can't wait to ride my new bike tomorrow morning!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I like to ride my bicycle

BICYCLE. BICYCLE. I like to ride my BICYCLE!!!! Woohooooooooooooooooo

I am the coolest person alive right now. And I have the coolest mom in the world. And I have a new bicycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to ride this baby!

Friday, May 13, 2011


I'm a scooter model. 
Oh. And I wore this while cheering for the 10k runners at our conference championships. Hahaha. I was the best cheerleader there. Everyone ran faster cuz of me. I know it.
Haha, I crack myself up!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

For my Mother

This is my beautiful Mother